The site (hereinafter "the Site") is owned by Detas S.p.A. (hereinafter "Detas"), the Data Controller. The security measures applicable to this Site have been defined and developed to ensure that the information provided by users (hereinafter "user", "users" or "you") is processed in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and storage, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality, in accordance with applicable national and European regulations.

This information notice (or "Privacy policy") is provided pursuant to Article 13 of the EU 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter "GDPR") and explains how the personal information you provide to us and processed by Detas is used, shared, accessed, amended or deleted. The information is also inspired by Recommendation No. 2/2001 on minimum requirements for online data collection in the European Union, adopted on 17 May 2001 by the Article 29 Working Party.

This Privacy policy is made only for this Site and does not apply to other websites that may be consulted by the user through links present in the pages of the Site.


"Personal Data" means "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person with particular reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data or an online identifier". The Personal Data collected by the Site are as follows:

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used for the proper functioning of the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the navigation of the websites. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties; however, by its very nature it could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

These include IP addresses or the names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and the computer platform used by the user.

The above data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.


Detas uses cookies through this website. For all information on this, please refer to the specific Cookie Policy

Data provided by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to the Company's contact addresses, as well as the filling in and forwarding of the forms on the Site, entail the acquisition of the sender's contact data, necessary to reply, as well as all the personal data included in the communications.

Specific information will be published on the pages of the Site set up for the provision of certain services.


The Personal Data you provide through the Site will be processed by the Company for the following purposes:

  1. purposes inherent to the provision of services available through the Site (e.g.: requests sent via the contact form on the website, credit card payments);
  2. purposes of research/statistical analysis on aggregate or anonymous data, without therefore being able to identify the user, aimed at measuring the functioning of the Site and its operational functions, including the resolution of any technical problems;
  3. purposes to prevent or avoid fraudulent activities or misuse that could damage the Detas website, or compromise the security of operations;
  4. purposes related to the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which Detas is subject;
  5. purposes necessary to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court or whenever the judicial authorities exercise their judicial functions;

The legal basis for the processing of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in point A) is the provision of a service or the response to a request, which do not require the consent of users, pursuant to applicable legislation.

The purpose referred to in point B) does not involve the processing of Personal Data.

The purposes referred to in points C) and D) are legitimate processing of Personal Data as they are necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Detas is subject.

With regard to the purposes referred to in point E), processing is necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of Detas.

The provision of your Personal Data is essential in order to carry out the services available through the Site. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what you have requested.


The processing of user information is carried out only if strictly necessary, even with the help of electronic or automated means, and is carried out by Detas and/or by third parties it may use to store, manage and transmit the data.

The treatment will be carried out with logics of organization and elaboration of your Personal Data, also related to the logs originated from the access and use of the services made available via web, correlated to the above mentioned purposes and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The Personal Data processed will be retained for the period of time provided for by the GDPR and the legislation applicable at the time. Further information regarding the period of retention of Personal Data and/or the criteria used to determine this period may be requested by writing to the Data Controller, at the following address:


Your Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes specified in paragraph 2, with:

a) persons authorized by the Company to process Personal Data who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality persons involved in the organization such as, administrative staff, system administrators;

b) external parties as technical service providers of hosting providers and IT companies.


Your information may also be disclosed to third parties for the following reasons:

  1. in order to fulfil the obligations provided for by laws, regulations, protocols and national or European legislation;
  2. in order to implement standards required by public authorities;
  3. in order to enable the Company to defend itself in court, for example in the event of infringement by network users;

The parties mentioned will process the information as autonomous Data Controllers/Processors.


The Data Controller of user data is Detas S.p.A, in the person of its legal representative, via Treponti 29, Rezzato (MB).

The updated list of data processors and persons in charge of data processing can be found at the registered office of the Data Controller. For any further information or clarification, the Company may be contacted at the following address:


Detas declares that it transfers user data collected through its website to non-EU countries (see Cookie policy).


We would like to inform you that Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR give users the right to exercise specific rights vis-à-vis the Data Controller. In particular, you will be able to:

The exercise of these rights must not prejudice and/or infringe the rights and freedoms of others.

You may exercise these rights at any time by writing to the e-mail address of the Data Controller:

It is understood that where requests are made by electronic means, the information will be provided free of charge and in a commonly used electronic format.

According to the provisions of Article 15, 3) of the GDPR, if the user's requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular due to their repetitive nature, the Company may alternatively:

In both circumstances Detas S.p.A. shall provide adequate justification to the user.


This Privacy policy is effective as of May 25, 2018 Detas S.p.A. reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or in full, also due to changes in applicable regulations.

We therefore advise you to regularly check this section to become aware of the most recent and updated version of the Privacy policy so that you are always up to date on the data collected and the use that the Company makes of it.

If Detas S.p.A. makes changes that are deemed important, users will be informed through the Site.